“Operation Money Suck” is a concept to help you focus all your time, energy, and attention on extracting the maximum amount of money possible from your marketplace.

Your goal is to be the dominant player in your market. That means you must aim to take the biggest slice of the pie for yourself. Of course you need to do this Legally, Morally, and Ethically.

One of the fastest and easiest ways to get an online business up and running so you can earn recurrent income hands-free is by promoting affiliate products.

What are affiliate products?
These are products that other people own and that you simply promote. These can be actual, physical products — such as bicycles, cars, homes and so on. Or they can be digital Information Products — such as an eBook or a online business course.

Given the vast amount of information we all encounter in our everyday lives, there is a daily information overload that prevents us from processing what we see and hear efficiently.

Information marketing resolves this problem by making it easy for people to get to the information they want as quickly and efficiently as possible. It features products that are created once and then sold many times.

These products — known as “info products” – include such things as books, eBooks, video downloads, workshops, audio downloads, online educational programs and many other info products. Read more

In copywriting, the headline is the advertisement for the advertisement and must compel the reader to read your copy. There is a bit of an art to this and perfecting it will supercharge your marketing efforts.
Want To Know Why My Headline Is Better Than Yours?

Content marketing is becoming more important than ever. The absolute best way is to create a popular website and build a list of loyal readers is to deliver high quality, informative, and entertaining content. This may sound easy but after a few months you begin to run out of ideas.

As I have been on both sides of this equation, I had to ask myself this question too.

In this video Eric Worre a business colleague from about 15 years ago. Interviews a few other well known entrepreneurs.

As promised in my last article; How Being A Perfectionist Can Hinder Your Business & Life, I will be telling you the Strategies for Coping with Perfectionism. These come from the book “When Perfect Isn’t Good Enough” written by Martin M. Antony PhD and Richard P. Swinson MD.

In this book, you discover – the root cause of your perfectionism, explore the impact of perfectionism on your life, and find new, proven-effective coping skills to help you overcome your anxiety about making mistakes.

Also includes tips for dealing with other perfectionists and discussions about how perfectionism is linked to worry, depression, anger, social anxiety, and body image. Read more

You might be thinking that doing everything perfectly may seem a recipe for success.

You would not be completely correct…

“While some aspects of perfectionism can be helpful in reaching one’s potential, the perfectionist attitude also has some downfalls that can seriously ruin both your personal and professional growth.”
–   Excerpt from Book ‘When Perfect Isn’t Good Enough”

While it’s true perfectionists can be rewarded for their flawless performances and may even think their desire to never make a mistake is what makes them more efficient at their job, the obsession for perfect may indeed stand in the way of success. Read more

“Procrastination makes easy things hard, hard things harder.”
– Mason Cooley
You might ask ‘How Do You Overcome Procrastination?’
We received this exact question from the Entrepreneurial Meetup Groups we run here in Queensland, Australia.

Now we’ve been putting off answering this question… Just joking 😉 Read more