Tag Archive for: Chrome

Google is now penalising websites that Do NOT have an SSL Certificate.

Does Your Website have an SSL Certificate?
Is Your Website Secure?

Not Sure?

Chrome browsers show a website UNSECURE WEBSITE if it doesn’t have a SSL Certificate.

What is an SSL Certificate?

SSL Certificates are small data files that digitally bind a cryptographic key to an organization’s details.

Typically, SSL is used to secure credit card transactions, data transfer and logins, and more recently is becoming the norm when securing browsing of social media sites.

An SSL Certificate gives your website a Green Padlock and https before the Website Address.

Just like this…

What a SSL Certificate Looks Like

Rather that the standard http://YourWebsiteAddress.com

A Secure website one with a SSL Certificate encrypts the information that goes to and from it to the Server.

This is a website without an SSL


This our website with a Verified SSL Certificate


The SSL only encrypts the information between the Server and the Website.

It Does NOT make your password anymore secure. Nor does the SSL Certiicate stop website hacking through out dated software like plug ins and themes.

An SSL does NOT stop your computer from being violated after getting a Virus. That can potentially get into every password protected site you log into. Some viruses can mirror the key strokes you do on different websites.

SO you still need to keep your Anti Virus Software up to date. As well as your website themes and plug ins. Plus you should avoid clicking on links that you are not sure about.

However Google, Chrome and many Firewall Software programs will block your website to some degree if you don’t install an SSL Certificate.

There are THREE types of SSL Certificate Available Today!

Each has a different amounts they warrant against data theft between website and server;

  • Extended Validation (EV SSL),
  • Organization Validated (OV SSL) and
  • Domain Validated (DV SSL).

Read more about the different types here

Contact Us Today at our Website & Graphic Design Company FindNetSolutionsour Website & Graphic Design Company Find Net SolutionsSo we’ll get you sorted.

Talk Soon,
Nicky and Dave

P.S. If you want or need any other Online Business help connect with us on one of our social media platforms or on our contact us form!
