If your desktop screen looks like the bottom of your trashcan, maybe it’s time to take your files to the cloud.
We have made a list of the best free online file storage sites. They are more than just external hardrives, many of these sites are collaboration platforms that you can use to share documents with colleagues or friends.
Our Top 8 FREE Online File Storage Sites
1. Box
Gives you 5 GB of storage for free and lets you organize your files into folders in the cloud, just like you would on your desktop.
You can share links or entire file folders with others and see when they’ve been viewed.
2. Dropbox
Is a secure place to keep photos, documents, and videos that you can access from your computer, smartphone, or tablet. This is one we use!
You can share the files with your social networks as well. It comes with 2 GB of free storage (or up to 18 GB if you refer a friend).
3. Evernote
Saves all of your notes, web clips, files, scanned documents, and images. You can search for the documents by keyword, access them from any device, and share them with friends.
The storage process here is a little different: free users can store up to 100,000 notes (up to 25 mb each), 250 synchronized notebooks, 10,000 tags, and 100 saved searches.
4. Google Drive
Syncs documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and videos from your computer and mobile devices.
It connects to Google+ and Gmail for collaboration and sharing. It has a free storage limit of up to 5 GB that’s shared between Google Drive and Google+ Photos.
5. iCloud
Is file storage just for iOS devices, but it syncs all your music, photos, apps, calendars, documents, and other files and makes them sharable with friends. It comes with 5 GB of free cloud storage.
Bonus: the photos in your Photo Stream and whatever music, movies, TV shows, apps, and books you buy from iTunes don’t count against your storage limit.
6. Mega
Internet outlaw Kim Dotcom released this service after the U.S. government shut down its predecessor, MegaUpload, for facilitating copyright infringement.
The new tool promises “state of the art, browser-based encryption technology” and a whopping 50 GB of free cloud storage.
7. OneDrive
Once SkyDrive. Windows 8 users can log in with their Microsoft accounts.
They offer 5 GB of free cloud storage for photos, documents, and other files and works on any device.
Tired of filing cabinets full of loose documents that just keep mounting? EchoSign is the eco-friendly solution. Simply upload your documents onto the EchoSign server and send to the other party. With its E-sign capability, EchoSign makes signing contracts a hassle-free event, with no printer or scanner necessary.
Instead of throwing away hundreds of dollars on paper, printer ink, and a scanner, EchoSign saves you time, money, and work, all while creating an effort to improve our ecosystem.
Why Store Your Data Online?
Since the invention of the internet, the technology industry has been steadily moving away from local storage to remote, server-based storage and processing—what is known as the cloud.
These services provide seamless access to all your important data—Word docs, PDFs, spreadsheets, photos, any other digital assets from wherever you are.
You no longer need to be sitting at your work PC to see your work files. With cloud syncing you can get to them from your smartphone on the train, from your tablet on your couch, and from the laptop in your hotel room or kitchen. Using a service like those included here means no more having to email files to yourself or plug and unplug USB thumb drives.
If you still need extra storage space, these companies will be more than happy to sell it to you. But unless you’re the Library of Congress, this should be enough to get you started.
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Talk Soon,
Nicky and Dave