Tag Archive for: Headline

As promised in last article, we will give you some tested headlines that will generate clicks for you. As business owners and those in marketing, we want to know how we can ensure our ads are those that are getting the most clicks possible.

Let’s Get Started!

In copywriting, the headline is the advertisement for the advertisement and must compel the reader to read your copy. There is a bit of an art to this and perfecting it will supercharge your marketing efforts.
Want To Know Why My Headline Is Better Than Yours?

To paraphrase the legendary Green Bay Packers coach Vince Lombardi,
“Getting customers to click through your web page isn’t the everything … it’s the only thing!”

The purpose of the click through page is to drive visitors to the next step in your sales funnel. As such, it needs to include at least these seven different elements. Read more

We have covered the reasons people share content but the big question is ‘How do I encourage readers to share the content that I write?’

Let’s have a look at what what drives people to share.


Trust makes a huge difference as to whether someone will share an article or not. Read more