Tag Archive for: hem

We get it—when something’s new it’s hard to be all in especially right off the bat.

Chances are you’ve been burned before—burned by a Business Opportunity, an Investment, a Partner or something—and that’s made you more than a little gun shy.

So what do you do?

You dip your toe in the water. You hem and haw. And you do so much due diligence that you’re paralyzed by it all—the ultimate paralysis by analysis.

You talk to everyone. You weigh the pros and cons over and over again. And, while you’re technically “doing something,” but are you really? Because while there’s some movement, it’s not enough to move the needle—at least not in any discernible way.

When people land there, the outcome is almost always the same.

Hangup their Hat - Give UpThey feel like it doesn’t work or doesn’t work for them. They’ve tried, they’ll explain, and they didn’t see any results—it’s a seam, they’re a failure or it’s “too much” right now.

Whatever the excuse is, it’s enough for them to hang up their hat and check the box. They tried and, apparently, that’s good enough. Here’s the thing: it’s not.

If you hem and haw long enough, someone else will do it first. In any business, you’re in or you’re out.

There’s no in between, there’s no testing the waters and there’s no small commitment. You want this or you don’t. You’re invested or you’re not. You’re building a business or you’re considering taking up a hobby.

That’s IT. Period.

We’re tired of people telling us that this traffic-driving method didn’t work or that business in a box or the sales funnel didn’t produce results. Because guess what?

It did for countless other Consultants and Entrepreneurs myself included. They didn’t Work for you because you didn’t try. You did the bare minimum so you could check box.

Then you completely disengage and hope that by some miracle of miracles, the pieces will fall into place. When they don’t, you blame everything and everyone—except yourself.

Our Advice?

Opt In or Opt Out

Get in or get out, but don’t try to walk the line.

If you try to play in the space in between, you’ll never excel and you’ll never get a true read on what works and what doesn’t.

The End Result of Little to NO Action?

You’ll do nothing, really, except throw a few dollars and a little time this way or that. This, of course, isn’t building a business. But instead you are creating an endless supply of excuses. And for us, we have no time for that.

If you want or need any help connect with us on one of our social media platforms or just Messenger us (Private Message Us) on our Facebook Messenger link – m.me/EasyOnlineBizSolution

So have you done so much due diligence that you’ve been paralyzed by it all?

Let us know in the comment section below how you overcame the paralysis by analysis!

Talk Soon,
Nicky and Dave

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