Tag Archive for: Why

Frankly, if you want to start a business OR scale up an existing business it’s not rocket science.

Regardless if your business is traditional or is an online business, MLM or Affiliate Marketing Business Model. You need to understand the W’s.

Finding financing in any economic climate can be challenging. It doesn’t matter if you’re looking for start-up funds, capital to expand or money to hold on through the tough times. But given our current state of affairs, securing funds is as tough as ever.

You’ve probably heard the saying,
“You’ve got to spend money to make money.”

And it’s true, at least if your intention is to make money through your own business. Read more

The best satisfaction one can get is when they are selling solely because of the “why” we sell.

At exactly the same time, the most challenging time we’ve had is when we are focused on our very own personal targets at the expense of the clients to whom we were selling to.

The biggest sin a salesperson can do is to sell a lot more than anyone could handle. It could be an absurd amount of inventory or even a  product that is a trendy that does not solve an existing problem. A salesperson that sells to customers without acknowledging the “why” does not get repeat customers.

A sale that’s not worthwhile for the client is not really a sale. Read more