Tag Archive for: writing

Cold Email is an ugly term. No one wants to send them, no one wants to receive them. But, when used correctly, a cold email can be a powerful tool to generate leads for your business.

A well-written cold email may be the key you will need to find yourself in contact with companies, speakers, potential customers and just about anybody else you want to get hold of.

You may be trying to reach out to one person you want to partner with or you may be selling your product to two dozen people you found at a meetup. Either way, cool emails are an easy and simple way of communication. Read more

“The consumer isn’t a moron; she is your wife. You insult her intelligence if you assume that a mere slogan and a few vapid adjectives will persuade her to buy anything.” – David Ogilvy

Copywriting is the act of writing text for the purpose of advertising or other forms of marketing. The product, called copy, is written content that aims to increase brand awareness and ultimately persuade a person or group to take a particular action.

Copywriting doesn’t have to be perfect.

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When it comes to creating an original eBook that will be popular.
There are three essential elements to keep in mind:

  1. You need to be sure you are passionate and understand the subject you are writing about when writing a long eBook.
  2. Your topic should positively influence people’s happiness: make your topic in health, wealth, or relationships.
  3. Use internet research to your advantage to find an engaging topic.

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